The Forever Winter Wiki and Guides
There are no heroes in the wasteland, only Scavs and survivors

Character types

From The Forever Winter Wiki and Guides

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Character Main Traits Skills Health Speed Initially Trained in
OLD MAN Survivalist Medical Supplies

Basic Weapons

♥♥ ★★ Rifles, Shotguns,

Heavy Rifles, Pistols


Covert Ops


Small Arms

★★★ Rifles, Shotguns

Pistols, Submachine Guns

MASK MAN Master at Arms Nuance

Weapon Skills

♥♥ ★★ Rifles, Shotguns

Pistols, Submachine Guns

SHAMAN Logistics Master Speed

Carry Capacity

Weapon Skills

♥♥ ★★ Rifles, Shotguns

Pistols, Submachine Guns

GUNHEAD ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
BAG MAN Strength Training Carry Capacity

Heavy Weaponry

♥♥♥ Rifles, Shotguns, Light Machineguns

Heavy Machineguns and Heavy Rifles

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